What Have We Done?
Bulls and Apes Project
A List of Kick @ss Things B.A.P. Has Done
Never Miss Out Again!
Announcements for VC Deals, Tokenized Communities, Feature Releases & More... Never Miss Another B.A.P. Opportunity
I Want the Alpha!JUST LAUNCHED!
Dynamic NFTs
The next phase in NFT ownership.
Customizable traits for your Ape PFP. Each an individual NFT (1155 ERC token) that can be added and removed from your Ape, stored in your wardrobe, sold, traded, and more.
True ownership = Control over style, look, uniqueness, VIBE
No more Art Reveal Lottery
Don't settle for someone else's ideal art
This is YOUR Ape. This is YOUR NFT.
Loot Boxes
- Where do all these new traits come from?? Loot Boxes!
Common (purchasable with $METH)
Epic (ETH)
Legendary (ETH)
- With new traits constantly being added, every day is Mint Day. Every day an Art Reveal !
- Epic & Legendary traits WILL BE found in Common Loot Boxes!
- Collect, Buy, Sell, Trade traits - Loot Boxes open the door to a whole new gamification of the B.A.P. ecosystem.
What will your strategy be??

The Configurator
Our proprietary platform allows you to add and remove traits to your Ape PFP, Mint new NFTs with the traits you own, explore the entire collection of minted NFTs and more!
The fun has just begun...
6-Month ETH Back Guarantee
10,000 Bulls Minted. Only 15 Returned!
Doxxed Founders
Doxxed, Present & Accountable since Day 1
Venture Capital Deal Flow
20+ Deals to date including investment opportunities in OpenSea & SpaceX
Over 60 minutes & 8 Chapters of engaging lore builds out the B.A.P. Universe.
Community Tokenization
We are adding value and utility to communities across the web3 space by Tokenizing other communities. Do you have an NFT from a Tokenized Community in your wallet? You can earn the B.A.P. Methane token!
Ape Collection Mint Out
5,000 pre-mints sold out in 34 minutes!
10,000 Apes sold at 0.22ETH in Bear Market
45,000+ Token Transfers
Mechanics developed and installed directly on our website
4,000+ God Boxes Opened
We listened to the community, pivoted, and added incredible additional utility to our God Bulls
Ape Pre-Mint
1500 mints sold in the first 96 seconds!
5000 mints sold out in 34 minutes!
Incredibly low gas fees (<$1 on avg)!
200+ Tech Features Added
We never stop developing, innovating and implemented new tech
75% of Holders Actively Participating
Harvesting Methane token requires active participation for Teen Bull holders, 75% of which see value in
NFTs 101
We developed and created a FREE NFTs 101 course for anyone interested in learning about the web3 space
Trait Group Certification
We support our trait groups and instituted a certification process to help them grow and succeed
Methane ($METH)
Our thriving ERC20 token
Series 65
Gave our community the opportunity for training to become Accredited Investors and access our VC Deals
God Bull Utility
Added 3 new & valuable utilities:
- Teen Resurrection
- Breed Replenishment
- METH Machine
Bulls on the Block
We acquired and resurrected the OG 2021 NFT project
Teen Resurrection
Not only bringing burnt teens back, but adding token generation to these teens
Teen Bull Utility
Added value to Teen Bulls by giving them token generating abilities (along with their abilites to mint Merger Orbs)
Sponsored NFTLA conference in early summer 2022
Zero Breed Bulls
Gave OG Bulls that had used all 3 of their breeds the ability to generate 40 METH tokens daily rather than 10
God Bull IRL
Awesome, curated IRL event for 8 lucky God Bull holders held in Austin, TX with the Founders
Bull Tank
A Shark Tank style pitch contest for our Trait Groups to pitch marketing collabs
Tokenomics Tuesday
Weekly space to educate and extrapolate with users on our in depth tokenomics gameplay
Fully Funded Pre-Mint
This allowed us to fast track our plans and not be reliant on mint funds
Our Founders have appeared on dozens preaching the gospel of B.A.P.!
First Mint Includes 3 Individual NFTs
Genesis Bulls, Teens & Gods. Teens & Gods minted free through our Tokenomics
Community Growth Council
Community led council tasked with helping encourage growth and success

I'm impressed.
I just started the FREE @BullsApesProj
NFT Course and am BLOWN AWAY with the continued utility #BAP delivers to its holders. Aside from the FREE #NFTs I regularly claim from holding, they've now create a course to help better the space we all love.
Thank you ๐
How many projects climbed in floor price last 2 bear months? Consistently.
New features launched every few weeks.
More features NEXT week ๐ฅ
More the month after ๐ฅ๐ฅ
There’s a reason I tweeted
and get more each month.
Have to say when the devs for projects listen, it really gives that project massive kudos!! We requested a simple countdown timer for the
God Bull utility, and look what they delivered!
Thanks team!